Harm Reduction and Integration Coaching
Entheogens and peak experiences can provide us with incredible insights into ourselves, our world, and the possibility of greater wholeness and freedom. Often they will not take us there on their own.
It is important to be prepared when approaching these experiences, and equally important to engage in integration afterward.
To be prepared for these experiences, we need to be knowledgeable about the methods we are using and informed in harm reduction practices. We need to be grounded in our intentions and ready to be present with whatever parts of ourselves show up.
In integration, we take the insights and experiences we have gained, and weave them back into our daily lives.
I can work with you to support all aspects of your journey, before and after journeys. I am also available to provide microdosing support.
If you’re ready to learn more, click the button below to schedule a free 30 minute consultation.

I use a sliding scale to try and allow my offerings to be accessible to people across the wide income realities present in our region. Please contact me and I will send you the full scale. Most people pay between $50-190 hourly.
Space Holding
It is an honor to accompany you in your journey through peak experiences and bear witness to all of the parts you bring to our time together.
Before space holding, we will have a coaching meeting to prepare for your journey. I will be available after space holding for follow-up concerns as well as integration support. I offer text and email support before and after space holding, and am available to schedule meetings or calls.
During your journey, I create a safe, nonjudgmental, compassionate space for you to explore your inner world. I support your intentions for healing, growth, or exploration, and respect your courage and vulnerability.
I integrate the protocols used in western research, alongside community and ritual practices. Whether you want to craft a meaningful ritual for your spiritual practices or follow a secular approach, I want to collaborate with you to support your experience.
I do not encourage the use of or provide illegal substances. There are many practices to reach peak states of consciousness that we can explore, including meditation and breath, music, spiritual practices, and legal substances.

I use a sliding scale to try and allow my offerings to be accessible to people across the wide income realities present in our region. Please contact me and I will send you the full scale. Most people pay between $50-190 hourly. I ask for compensation for travel if you would like me to come to your location outside of greater Seattle.
Expect 5-8 hours of space holding and between 1-3 preparatory and 1-3 integration sessions. Fewer sessions are typically for people who have additional support for their preparation and integration such as in an ongoing therapeutic relationship.